Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Celebrinerd Update

You all laughed when I wrote yesterday that the word "celebrinerd" would bring me great fame and fortune. Well, the fortune may be slower in coming, but the fame is about as big as it can get. I mean, how many of you got linked in Ken's blog post today? Well, maybe you did, like the people linked below, but otherwise HA!

It may not seem like much to you now, but just wait until my internet stardom launches me to a hosting job on Nickelodeon Games and Sports. I love that network! Channel 215 on your digital cable dial. I can't believe I'm missing Figure it Out right now while at "work". But I guess that makes me an oblivinerd, or something.

Hope any new readers are having fun here. Go Cats! Beat the Wolfpack!

Where there's a Will []
Celebrinerds [Immodest Proposals]
Another day, another made up word [Owner of the BFT]


Amy said...

Stupid time difference! Obviously I didn't post my ode to KJ, Celebrinerd Extraordinaire, early enough.

I'm so jealous that you got a shout-out. Okay, not that jealous, but still.

Josh said...

I was (still am) pretty psyched to see that link.

Those Myndology notebooks look cool. If I ever wrote anything down, I'd have to score one.