Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hey, a Northwestern blog in purple! What novelty!

OK! New color scheme, and a new logo!  If I broke something while I was messing with Blogger templates, please give me a heads up.  Thanks and enjoy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Things you should check out

Good morning, my lusty readers! On today's agenda is a discussion of whether you exist. Can I get someone to make a motion to approve the agenda? No one? OK. While we wait, why don't you check out these websites:
  • Amie Street is an independent music download site. Everything's mp3, so it'll play on your PMP of choice. The songs are variously-priced, including $free! I'm making great use of this since I heard about it.
  • Hexagonal Close-Packed is a new blog by friend-of-Josh Jason. It's allegedly going to be quite nerdly, so please to enjoy.
  • Air Toxics Analysis Services is small business owned by Joann Held. It's my mother! And my website design for ATAS should be live (or quasi-live) by the time I post this.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Is nothing sacred?

Because a blog just isn't a blog anymore until it has a lolsomething. And because it's looking like a slow morning. Please welcome the first (and hopefully only) installment of Willie the Lolcat.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

New addition to the family!

From left to right: Dad (Al Powerbook), Son (new iMac), Mom (Dell desktop)

That's him the in middle there. He got his dad's OS, his mom's CPU manufacturer, and a combination of his parents' form factors.

OK, that was dumb. But I'm copying some user info, and I've time to kill until I get to really use him.