Thursday, September 04, 2008

Am I missing something?

As has been reported over the last day or so, NBA rookies-to-be Mario Chalmers and Darrell Arthur were thrown out of the rookie transition program. They allegedly had marijuana and women in their hotel room.

Now, is it just me, or isn't this exactly the kind of thing that the rookie transition program is designed to teach new players about? Let's take a look at some of the points that the NBA orientation is supposed to highlight:
  • Professionalism
  • Character, Image and Ethics
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Felony Situations
  • Security
  • Players "20 and under"
So, why throw them out? How about keeping them in there for an extra couple of days to make sure they learn some lessons? Suspend them or fine them or whatever after the program is over, so they can maybe actually learn something from this.

To me, the headlines for this story may as well read: Local boy expelled from school after failing exam.

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