Sunday, October 02, 2005

An open letter

Dear Law & Order circa 1999,

If you want a shocking she's-not-my-sister-she's-my-daughter twist, you're going to have to be more careful so I don't figure it out too soon. I'm thinking of "Merger," half-way through which the victim's sister - or so I am meant to think! - is mentioned to have been diagnosed with "PPD." Now, I know that that could be paranoid personality disorder. Unfortunately for your big reveal, I thought of postpartum depression. I was like, "But where's the child? Who could it be?" Sorry to ruin your surprise. Maybe she didn't have to be that crazy, you know? She was on like 10 medications for other things before you mentioned the Prozac. Just saying.

Thanks for your time.

Josh Eats Birds

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