Friday, October 21, 2005

MSU Whether Report

Say Josh, tell me whether...

...there's a road trip guide for this week.
No. Only for when I make the trip.

...that's kind of lame of you.
Meh. I'll do one for U of I, even though I've been down there before. Also, obviously, I'll do one if we should make it to a bowl game.

...John L. Smith is from Krypton.
Coach Smith, or as his parents named him Jon-El gets his super-crying ability from the yellow sun of Earth. So, yes.'re excited about the Sox.
le sigh. I'm not super-interested, but I'll feign something other than apathy until the series is over.

Picks after the jump.'re picking now.
Damn straight. The line is MSU -12, O/U 71. I've got NU 38, MSU 31. can throw in a bonus pick.
What the hey. Sox in 6. Cumulative runs? Chicago 22, Houston 16.

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