Wednesday, January 03, 2007

You and me and apostrophe

Look. It's not 'Cats. It's Cats.

Cats is short for Wildcats, yes. But it's not a contraction. People don't call me Josh'. And they don't call you T'om'.

If you want to call them them the Wi'cats, that'll be OK. It'll be punishable by 3-5 years in prison and/or a fine of not less than $4,000 and not more than $9,000. But it will be OK grammatically.

Cats. Think about it.


TC said...

'uck your p'losophies.

What caused this decision?

Josh said...

I got an email about 'Cat Chats. I've never liked that apostrophe and for some reason it boiled over today. It felt good to let off some steam.

I like a good apostrophe. 'Specially an old thyme one like in fant'sy. Just don't like 'Cats.