Friday, January 02, 2009

Wha' Happened: The Alamo Bowl

That was a tough one.  I don't think I've been so nervous (or on so little sleep) at an away game since Minnesota in 2000.  But at least we won the one at the Humphreydome.

Oh well.  I know we were in this to win, not just to feel good, but I think we can feel good about most of the Alamo Bowl.  We had the better running back and the better quarterback.  We had the more exciting defense.  We had the better fans.  I think we made some decisions that hurt our chances -- e.g. passing play on 3rd-and-long late in the first half that led to the Maclin return -- but we also had some luck.  Mizzou's missed kick could have gone down as one of the great NU moments, if we had pulled out an OT win.

Now we can look forward to next year.  We should see a number of fresh faces at "skill" positions, and a lot of the same names in the trenches and the secondary.  That's a good level of continuity, as far as I'm concerned.

Until then, I'll focus on basketball, lacrosse, and US soccer here at JEB.  And whatever else floats my boat*.  Be sure to check out my other digs, at which I totally meant to post the other day, and now I have no idea what it was.

 * - wrestling?  softball?  buoyancy?

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