Thursday, September 07, 2006

New Hampshire Weather Forecast

The ApostroCats' first home game in 2006 should be graced by similar weather as the season-opener in Ohio. Except for, you know, there will be sun. But there may be a couple oddities that prognosticators (me) attribute to the out-of-division opponent.

More aardvark activity is expected in Evanston on Saturday. It's also possible that James Caan and Aaron Sorkin will be in town discussing an upcoming TV collaboration: Bazaar.

Cats Win!

p.s. The first person to identify the joke gets ten (10) sprinkles of magical internet dust. Guaranteed not a guarantee to make your connection faster!


TC said...

Is it... I-AA, in honor of the UNH?

Josh said...

Close enough! I put the internet dust into one of the internet trucks. I think it's supposed to start driving through the tubes by midnight. Get ready to start counting those bauds!