Friday, September 10, 2004

ASU Weather Forecast

So, with Brad at band camp, I was shopping this feature around this week. But no one has picked it up, so I'll do it myself. Well, sort of, as you'll see. Since I haven't really been bringing the funny so far, I'll rely on the lamest-but-sometimes-funny trick in the book. That's right! Get ready for a Mad-Lib Weather Forecast.


Today in (1. location), you can expect (2. adjective) skies with a smattering of (3. plural noun). At game time, the (4. noun) should be right around (5. number). While (6. noun) is unlikely, there is a(n) (7. adjective) possibility of (8. noun) before the end of regulation.

This is good news for the the Wildcats, who will have no problem with the (9. adjective) attack of the Arizona State (10. plural noun).

(9. Imperative verb) Cats!

suggested words:
1. the frozen tundra
2. slimy
3. bears
4. chair
5. 7
6. beefsteak
7. searing
8. lava lamp
9. furry
10. Hockey Pucks
11. Run

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